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Spiritual Hypnosis can help regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs. Hypnosis is accepted by the Catholic Church as you can see here.

Regardless of your spiritual beliefs at the conscious level, if they are not the same as those at the unconscious and superconscious minds, your spiritual evolution may not be optimized.

The objective of spiritual hypnosis is to help align your conscious, unconscious, and superconscious minds.

Example: You consciously believe in spiritual healing, the power of crystals, or your ability to communicate with spirits, but aren’t successful at these or other practices. This is often because your conscious, unconscious, and superconscious minds are not in communication. Until they are, this may sabotage your efforts.

By integrating conscious, unconscious, and superconscious minds through hypnosis, this can help establish the necessary communication to help maximize your all your skills.

Tap into the Power of The Superconscious Mind?

Some people refer to “The Superconscious Mind” as “The Mind of God.” Tapping into the superconscious mind allows access to the level of mind that sees beyond our material reality. It taps into the energy and vibration beyond our physical reality.

The superconscious is where true creativity and intuition are found. Expressions of this kind of creativity are distinctive from those that come from the subconscious. The superconscious is where concepts for great works of music, art, scientific discoveries, and deep spiritual experiences are found. Profound healing of physical and emotional conditions can also take place by accessing The Superconscious Mind.

Past Life Regression

A growing number of people are beginning to believe in the existence of past lives. This is because some people who have undergone hypnosis are able to accurately describe exact details of a location or event that occurred prior to their birth that they couldn’t have possibly known based solely on their knowledge of their current lifetime.

Past life regression involves regressing the patient to the source of an event from a past life that may be the cause of a current emotional or health condition if this in unable to be determined based on their current life. Once this initial sensitizing event is experienced and treated, the presenting condition is often improved.

Life Between Life Regression

Life Between Life Regression is based on the work of Dr. Michael Newton. It involves regressing the patient to the time between incarnations. This enables the patients to access the unconscious and superconscious minds. This can bring forth profound wisdom about why people and situations are occurring the way they are because of the lessons they are meant to learn.

Life Between Life Regression often also involves also doing a past life regression. This enables the patient to understand what hadn’t been learned in the past life. This provides them with a greater understanding of the need for certain challenges that are occurring in this life after consulting with spirit guides in their Life Between Lives.



Disclaimer: All information provided by Dr. Bloom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or emotional condition. Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed.