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Why is Hypnotherapy So Effective?

Unlike many treatments which work on the conscious mind (the tip of the iceberg) which controls about 5% of our experiences, hypnotherapy works on the unconscious mind which controls the other 95%.

Since our unconscious mind has such enormous control, working with it directly is key to regaining control of our life.

The unconscious mind is vitally important in treatment because it contains all the unconscious thoughts and beliefs. It is responsible for the way we respond to everything, from medications. surgery and therapy to abusive people, viruses, and everything else that challenges us. And according to epigenetics, our unconscious mind even modifies the way we express our DNA.

All our disempowering beliefs, bullying, traumas throughout our life from the time we were wacked on the bum by our well-intending doctor and including are stored in our unconscious mind.

Since a growing number of mainstream scientists are realizing that our beliefs affect what we experience and since we see the living proof of this throughout this website, it is becoming obvious that the unconscious mind is the key to practically everything.

For a much deeper discussion about the impact of our unconscious mind on our bodily conditions and our world, I invite you to read my book, “The Ho-Ho-Holiest Medicine, Exploring the Power of Divine Laughter.”

By working on the majority of the iceberg and requiring only 6 sessions to achieve a 93%success rate instead of 600 sessions to have a 38% success rate, hypnotherapy is like psychoanalysis on steroids, while hypnopuncture can take it to the next level.

By targeting and dismantling the deepest root cause of your condition with a hypnotherapy approach that is tailor made to your condition, much fewer sessions are required to achieve long term results.

A natural Treatment for the Unconscious Mind

The Elephant in the Living Room

Our unconscious mind is like the elephant in our living room. Although its devastation is obvious to everyone who knows about it, no one wants to mention it because of potential for temporary discomfort.

But when people finally become aware of their elephant and see the devastation it has caused in so very many aspects of their lives, they are amazed they never recognized it and are very happy to let it go.

Hypnotherapy helps us become aware of this invisible elephant of our unconscious mind.

Several books like “You can Heal Your Life,” by Louise Hay describe how many thoughts and beliefs can potentially be responsible for many medical conditions.

Addressing the root cause for having those thoughts and beliefs can help people regain control of their lives as discussed in great detail in my book available on this website.

So, if focusing on the tip of the iceberg has not been helpful and you are ready to remove the elephant in your living room, Root Cause Hypnotherapy can be an effective option.



Disclaimer: All information provided by Dr. Bloom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or emotional condition. Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed.