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Red Pill Hypnosis

The Paradigm Shift

As described in detail in my new book available as a free (0r love offering) download on this website, the root cause of most conditions is our continued insistence on taking The Blue Pill. My book describes how to undergo a paradigm shift in our belief system by taking The Red Pill. I highly suggest reading my book prior to looking into Red Pill HypnosisTM to help gain a better understanding of this page.

Taking the blue pill causes us to have a disempowering belief system that causes us to feel like a victim of a cruel world. It also causes us to believe there is something outside ourselves to fix us. that we need to need to take medications or supplements or undergo surgery to treat a bodily condition.

Red Pill Hypnosis is a way of using hypnosis to undergo the paradigm shift that comes from taking The Red Pill.

Although reading my book can be very helpful to understand the importance of making this paradigm shift at the conscious level, until our unconscious mind is completely on board, a great deal of willpower may be necessary.

The problem with willpower is that it is like gas in the gas tank. We have a limited supply that rapidly dwindles when confronted with our daily stresses.

By using hypnosis to dismantle the disempowering belief system of our old paradigm at the unconscious level of mind, however, we bypass the need for willpower. This is because after undergoing this dismantling, we are no longer in conflict with those unconscious disempowering beliefs.

As we saw here the deepest cause of most conditions is caused by the elephant in our living room (our unconscious mind causing devastation). Hypnosis has a variety of approaches to this elephant through the use of suggestive hypnosis and analytical hypnosis.

Suggestive hypnosis is like wallpapering over the elephant, analytical hypnosis is like dismantling the elephant, LaughGnosisTM is laughing at our elephant until it walks away and Red Pill HypnosisTM is using the elephant to help dismantle and reassemble ourselves.

Red Pill Hypnosis is a form of spiritual hypnosis that helps us let go of our disempowering belief system. This enables us to make the paradigm shift necessary to help heal our body and our world, as discussed in great detail in my book.