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Is Hypnotherapy Effective?

Is Hypnosis for Real?

As you can see from the chart above, whereas psychoanalysis is only 38% effective after 600 sessions, hypnotherapy has a 93% success rate after only 6 sessions.

As you can see from the charts and information below, hypnosis is so effective, it was shown to be more effective than Morphine and was used as the only anesthetic for major surgeries.

Hypnosis for Pain Relief

Hypnotherapy Was Shown to Be More
Effective Than Morphine for
Pain Reduction

As you can see from the chart below, hypnotherapy was shown to be more effective than morphine for pain (the difference between the green and blue bars is much greater in the Hyp = hypnothera[y group than in the
Morph = morphine group)

Hypnosis for Pain Management

Twenty volunteers were evaluated for the level of pain caused by 2 different experimentally induced methods and were treated subsequently with hypnotherapy, acupuncture, medication, or placebo. Hypnotherapy with direct suggestions for pain relief produced significant pain relief compared with placebo and gave the best results of all the treatments.

Stern JA, Brown M, Ulett GA, Sletten I. A comparison of hypnosis, acupuncture, morphine, valium, aspirin, and placebo in the management of experimentally induced pain. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1977;296:175-193.

Hypnotherapy Significantly Reduces Pain and

Hypnosis for Chronic Pain
Hypnosis for Pain

Sole Anesthesia For Major Surgery

The following paper quotes extensively from historical examples of the use of hypnotherapy as the sole anesthesia for major surgeries in the 1800s. These historic examples by themselves provide powerful documentation of the ability of the mind to influence the body, but they are then followed by a review of contemporary literature and controlled research of the use of hypnosis in relation to surgery and prior to medical procedures.

Hypnosis as sole anesthesia for major surgeries:
Historical & contemporary perspectives. Hammond DC. Am J Clin Hypn. 2008 Oct;51(2):101-21.



Disclaimer: All information provided by Dr. Bloom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or emotional condition. Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed.