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Disease: The Paradigm Shift

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Whether an emotional condition or a disease is considered a noun or a verb may not seem important, but, as you will see, it is more important than you can imagine. It can make the difference between remaining on medications or supplements or being free of them and regaining control of your health and your life.

Many people think of an emotional condition or disease as something we have (making it a noun). They believe they have depression, anxiety, hypertension, diabetes or irritable bowel disease which require ongoing treatment for their disease.

But the growing field of psychoneuroimmunology is telling us that many emotional or physical diseases are often the results of unhealthy thoughts, beliefs and behaviors (making it a verb). These verbs can build up over the years and can eventually be the cause of many diseases (nouns).


The Paradigm Shift

The paradigm shift, from seeing a disease as a verb instead of a noun, can be a vital step in regaining control of your health. The reason this is so important is because if a disease is a noun, you may need to remain on medications or supplements on a long-term basis. But if you undergo a paradigm shift by thinking of a disease as a verb, this enables you to effectively treat many diseases merely by changing your verb.

The reason this is so vitally important is because it is much easier to change something we do (a verb) than something we have (a noun). And once we change our verb, we may not require ongoing office visits, medications, or supplements to treat the noun.

For example, someone who overeats (a verb) results in obesity and diabetes (nouns). Or a person who creates stressful thoughts (a verb) will stimulate neurotransmitters which can cause hypertension, heart attack, or a stroke.

The good news is that although beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, or other verbs can be extremely difficult to change through willpower, these verbs can be changed much more easily and naturally using Medical Hypnosis. Clinical studies showing the results of hypnosis for medical conditions can be seen here.

For example, I learned to have a Type A personality as a result of going to medical school and was predisposed to hypertension, heart attack, and stroke. After being in practice for several years and doing hypnosis, I am now a Type B personality and feel much healthier.


Disclaimer: All information provided by Dr. Bloom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or emotional condition. Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed.