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What is LaughGnosisTM?

Since laughter is said to be the best medicine, I developed a technique I call LaughGnosisTM based on the principles of my book, “The Ho-Ho-Holiest Medicine, Exploring the Power of Divine Laughter.”

LaughGnosisTM is the combination of laughter and hypnosis. The ultimate goal of LaughGnosisTM is to help achieve “Gnosis.”

Gnosis is knowing oneself at the deepest level, which, according to many spiritual teachings, is how to know ‘God.’ Gnosis is the core of many spiritual practices.

The basis for this laughter is in the intersection of science, religion, and spirituality.

LaughGnosisTM helps patients laugh away their blockages to knowing themselves at the deepest level, where they can access their inner healer.

Is Laughter the Best Medicine

Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

While ordinary laughter has been said to be the best medicine, LaughGnosis can be even better.

Ordinary laughter is a potent stimulator of endorphins. Endorphins give us that natural high that is so necessary during these challenging times.

These endorphins bind to the same receptors as addictive opioid medications like heroin. But unlike heroin, laughter is extremely safe, non-addictive, and is highly contagious. So instead of ruining your life and the lives of those around you, they may find you more appealing and want to become infected by your contagious laughter.

Ordinary laughter also works in a similar way as antidepressants like SSRIs by triggering the release of serotonin.

Research has also shown that ordinary laughter also anti-inflammatory and can help protect your heart. It has been shown to improve circulation, boost immune function, improve pain tolerance, improve stress, anxiety, and depression.

But not all laughter is created equal. An intense, eye-watering belly laugh doesn’t have the same effect as a giggle.

Condescending, slapstick, and dark-humor result in very different laughter than the laughter triggered through LaughGnosisTM.

The laughter triggered through LaughGnosis is at our disempowering thoughts in a way that helps us make the paradigm shift discussed in detail here.

But although laughter has yet to be proven to be the best medicine, it is likely the most infectious. This can help you help heal your friends and family and ripple out to help heal our world.



Disclaimer: All information provided by Dr. Bloom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or emotional condition. Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed.