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What is Hypnotherapy?


So what is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is similar to the state of mind you achieve when you focus all your attention on recalling a time when you were very relaxed.

When you see, hear, feel exactly what your experienced at that time, this is hypnotherapy. If you were to take a few moments to do this right now, you would have a sense of the hypnotic state.

If you just did that, you know how wonderful this state feels.

As you also realize after doing this, although you were profoundly relaxed and fully in control, you were aware of everything going on around you, just like in hypnosis.

This state is like the very powerful, hypnagogic state of mind that occurs just before going to sleep. It is so powerful that many geniuses like Einstein, Edison, Aristotle Beethoven, and Salvador Dali used it to access what some refer to as “The Superconscious Mind” or “The Mind of God.”

Hypnotherapy is Mainstream

To say that hypnotherapy is going mainstream is a bit of an understatement. Hypnotherapy is used by world leaders including Barack Obama, Kate Middleton – Duchess of Cambridge, many actors including Sean Connery, Kevin Costner, Mel Gibson, Sylvester Stallone, geniuses like Albert Einstein, and top athletes like Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Jack Nicklaus, Andre Agassi, and many others.

In 1973 Ken Norton, heavily the underdog used hypnotherapy to not only defeat Muhammad Ali, but to also break his jaw.

Many Olympic teams have a hypnotist on staff.

Medical hypnotherapy is used at some of the most prestigious medical centers including The Mayo Clinic, The Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins.
This state is so effective that it has successfully been used for a variety of medical conditions, some of which are completely untreatable with medical interventions as you can see here.

For information about the ten myths of hypnosis, please click here.

For information about why hypnotherapy is so effective, please click here.